Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Text
Public Class MD5Encryption
Private EncStringBytes() As Byte
Private Encoder As New UTF8Encoding
Private MD5Hasher As New MD5CryptoServiceProvider
'Encrptes the string in MD5 when passed as a string
Public Function Encrypt(ByVal EncString As String) As String
'Variable Declarations
Dim RanGen As New Random
Dim RanString As String = ""
Dim MD5String As String
Dim RanSaltLoc As String
'Generates a Random number of under 4 digits
While RanString.Length <= 3
RanString = RanString & RanGen.Next(0, 9)
End While
'Converts the String to bytes
EncStringBytes = Encoder.GetBytes(EncString & RanString)
'Generates the MD5 Byte Array
EncStringBytes = MD5Hasher.ComputeHash(EncStringBytes)
'Affixing Salt information into the MD5 hash
MD5String = BitConverter.ToString(EncStringBytes)
MD5String = MD5String.Replace("-", Nothing)
'Finds a random location in the string to sit the salt
RanSaltLoc = CStr(RanGen.Next(4, MD5String.Length))
'Shoves the salt in the location
MD5String = MD5String.Insert(CInt(RanSaltLoc), RanString)
'Adds 0 for values under 10 so we always occupy 2 charater spaces
If CDbl(RanSaltLoc) < 10 Then
RanSaltLoc = "0" & RanSaltLoc
End If
'Shoves the salt location in the string at position 3
MD5String = MD5String.Insert(3, RanSaltLoc)
'Returns the MD5 encrypted string to the calling object
Return MD5String
End Function
'Verifies the String entered matches the MD5 Hash
Public Function Verify(ByVal S As String, ByVal Hash As String) As Boolean
'Variable Declarations
Dim SaltAddress As Double
Dim SaltID As String
Dim NewHash As String
'Finds the Salt Address and Removes the Salt Address from the string
SaltAddress = CDbl(Hash.Substring(3, 2))
Hash = Hash.Remove(3, 2)
'Finds the SaltID and removes it from the string
SaltID = Hash.Substring(CInt(SaltAddress), 4)
Hash = Hash.Remove(CInt(SaltAddress), 4)
'Converts the string passed to us to Bytes
EncStringBytes = Encoder.GetBytes(S & SaltID)
'Encryptes the string passed to us with the salt
EncStringBytes = MD5Hasher.ComputeHash(EncStringBytes)
'Converts the Hash to a string
NewHash = BitConverter.ToString(EncStringBytes)
NewHash = NewHash.Replace("-", Nothing)
'Tests the new has against the one passed to us
Dim val As Boolean
If NewHash = Hash Then
val = True
ElseIf NewHash <> Hash Then
val = False
End If
Return val
End Function
End Class
Dim md5 As New MD5Encryption()
Password = md5.Encrypt(txtPassword.Text.Trim())
md5.Verify(txtPassword.Text, password)
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