Monday, April 30, 2012


The Delegate class is one of the most important classes to know how to use
when programming .NET. Delegates are often described as the 'backbone of the
event model' in VB.NET. In this we are going to introduce you to delegates
(Sytem.Delegate class) and show you how powerful of an event mechanism
through delegates.
Delegates are implemented using the delegate class found in the System
namespace. A delegate is nothing more than a class that derives from
System.MulticastDelegate. A delegate is defined as a data structure that refers to
a static method or to a class instance and an instance method of that class. In
other words, a delegate can be used like a type safe pointer. You can use a
delegate to point to a method, much like a callback or the 'AddressOf' operator in
VB.NET. Delegates are often used for asynchronous programming and are the
ideal method for generically defining events.
Before you get into the actual delegate class let us see some code which
simulates the delegate functionality through simple class code for the sake of
understanding. We have a simple class called 'VBDelegate' with two static
methods named 'CallDelegate' and 'DisplayMessage' as shown below. When the
CallDelegate method is called,(when the program is run) to display the message.
Now normally, if we had a class called 'VBDelegate' with a method named
Public Class VBDelegate
'Static method to call displaymessage function
Public Shared Sub CallDelegate()
DisplayMessage("Some Text")
End Sub
'Static Function to display the message
Private Shared Function DisplayMessage(ByVal strTextOutput As String)
End Function
End Class
Public Class CSDelegate
'Static method to call displaymessage function
Public static void CallDelegate()
DisplayMessage("Some Text")
'Static Function to display the message
Private static void DisplayMessage(String strTextOutput)
There is nothing wrong with this approach at all. In fact, it is probably more
commonly used than delegates. However, it does not provide much in terms of
flexibility or a dynamic event model. With delegates, you can pass a method
along to something else, and let it execute the method instead. Perhaps you do
not know which method you want to call until runtime, in which case, delegates
also come in handy.
Now we will implement the same functionality as before, using a actual delegate
class of .NET.
Delegates in VB.NET are declared like:
Delegate [Function/Sub] methodname(arg1,arg2..argN)
The declared delegate methodname will have the same method signature as the
methods they want to be a delegate for. This example is calling a shared
Class VBDelegate
'Declaration of delegate variable with arguments
Delegate Function MyDelegate(ByVal strOutput As String)
'Function to call the delegates
Public Shared Sub CallDelegates()
'Declare variables of type Mydelegate points to the
'function MessageDisplay with AddressOf operator
Dim d1 As New MyDelegate(AddressOf MesssageDisplay)
Dim d2 As New MyDelegate(AddressOf MesssageDisplay)
'Pass the arguments to the function through delegates
d1("First Delegation ")
d2("Second Delegation ")
End Sub
'Function to display the message
Private Shared Function MesssageDisplay(ByVal strTextOutput As String)
End Function
End Class
Class CSDelegate
'Declaration of delegate variable with arguments
delegate void MyDelegate(String strOutput);
'Function to call the delegates
Public static void CallDelegates()
'Declare variables of type Mydelegate points to the
'function MessageDisplay
MyDelegate d1 = New MyDelegate(MesssageDisplay);
MyDelegate d2 = New MyDelegate(MesssageDisplay);
'Pass the arguments to the function through delegates
d1("First Delegation ");
d2("Second Delegation ");
'Function to display the message
Private static void MesssageDisplay(String strTextOutput)
The Output to the display window is:
First Delegation in one message window
Second Delegation in the second message window
What has happened in the above code? Let's take a look
First, we defined a delegate. Remember, when defining a delegate it is very
similar to stating the signature of a method. We have said we want a delegate
that can accept a string as an argument so basically, this delegate can work with
any method that takes the same argument(s).
In our CallDelagates method, we create two instances of our 'MyDelegate'. Then,
we pass into MyDelegate's constructor the address of our 'DisplayMessage'
method. This means that the method we pass into the delegate's constructor (in
this case it's 'DisplayMessage' method) must have a method signature that
accepts a string object as an input argument, just like our delegate does. Now,
you might be thinking, "why are we passing in the address of a method when we
defined our delegate to accept a string object as it's input argument?" In the code
above, we are telling the delegate which method to call, not which string we're
passing in. Carefully understand this concept.
Then finally we have our 'DisplayMessage' method, which takes the string
passed in by the delegate and tells it what string is to be displayed.
The same approach is used while handling the events in the .NET. This topic is
just to understand how delegates works in .NET.

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